Stockton Uber and Lyft Accident Attorneys

Stockton Uber and Lyft Accident Attorneys

Few experiences are as traumatic as a serious car accident. This is especially true if you lost a family member or suffered a severe injury due to a crash that someone else caused. If the collision involved a rideshare vehicle, there’s an added layer of complexity to the claims process. Our Lyft and Uber accident attorneys in Stockton can take over the logistics of your case so the insurance company does not take advantage of your vulnerable position. We have extensive experience bringing claims against the commercial insurance policies of rideshare companies. Our lawyers are well-versed in the relevant proceedings, statutes, and case law, and we know what it takes to win substantial settlements and verdicts. For a free consultation, call our 24-hour phone line at 1-800-GO-HARRIS.

We Can Come to You If You Are Unable to Come to Us

We know that there’s a lot to do after a major auto accident. Besides attending doctor’s visits and completing rehabilitation, you may also have to arrange for childcare, domestic help, and a coworker to cover your shifts. And if your injuries are serious, you may have to rest for several weeks or even months. If you are unable to come to our office for your free initial consultation, a member of our team can come to you. Scheduling the consultation right away is absolutely essential for protecting your case. The insurance adjuster might contact you within just a few days of the crash to get a statement. Also, important evidence such as surveillance and dashcam footage might eventually become unavailable. As soon as our legal team takes over your case, you will be able to focus on your health while your claim proceeds in good hands.

Will My Rideshare Accident Case Go to Trial?

The thought of going to trial or even providing testimony can seem overwhelming when you’re recovering from severe injuries. You may also be concerned that a trial would draw out the proceedings and put you further in debt as the medical bills and other costs continue to mount. Although the vast majority of rideshare accident cases do not go to court, it is important that you are prepared for all eventualities. At the end of the day, if the defense refuses to pay a fair settlement, then proceeding to trial might be the best option. Our Uber and Lyft accident lawyers in Stockton will do everything in their power to reach a fair settlement without having to enter the latter stages of litigation. We will compile all available evidence to support your claim, build your case around the relevant statutes and case law, and use proven settlement negotiation tactics. Unfortunately, no matter how strong your case seems, there’s no way to guarantee that the opposing party will cooperate. Below is an overview of just some of the factors that could influence the likelihood that your case proceeds to trial:

  • The Strength of Your Evidence: Whether or not the defense disputes your claim will likely depend on the strength of the available evidence to prove liability, causation, and damages. These are the three elements that must be proven to collect damages in a personal injury or wrongful death case. Depending on the circumstances, valuable evidence may include the accident report, eyewitness deposition, expert witness deposition, photos of the crash scene and injuries, medical documentation, financial documentation, surveillance and dashcam recordings, cellphone records, and receipts and invoices for expenses arising from the accident or your injuries.
  • Whether a Causation Dispute Arises: A dispute might arise over causation if you intend to seek damages for the aggravation of a preexisting injury or illness. For instance, if you had a back injury that became worse due to the accident, the defense might say that you are trying to obtain damages that were not caused by the accident. Evidence to counter this defense may include medical records and the deposition of your treating physician and various medical experts.
  • The Value of Your Damages: The more compensation you are seeking, the more incentive the opposing party will have to investigate the crash and dispute your claim.
  • The Complexity of Your Diagnosis: For some medical diagnoses, it’s not always easy to approximate the cost of medical care, loss of future income, and other damages. For example, two patients with the same brain injury might have very different symptoms, and one patient might recover to a fuller extent than the other. If the defense disputes the value of your damages, the case may eventually proceed to trial.
  • Whether You’ve Made Any Mistakes: Posting about the case on social media, failing to take reasonable steps to facilitate your recovery, and providing a recorded statement to the insurance company could all lead to disputes that may increase the likelihood of the case going to trial.

Schedule a Free Consultation with an Uber or Lyft Accident Lawyer in Stockton

You can reach our law firm 24/7 by calling 1-800-GO-HARRIS or sending us a message online. There’s no cost for the consultation, and we accept rideshare accident cases on a contingency fee basis.