Camarillo Pedestrian Accident Attorneys

Pedestrian accidents in Camarillo happen to people of all ages and motorists involved are often responsible. If you or someone you love is injured, let Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. help you get compensation in a claim.  

Our experienced Camarillo pedestrian accident attorneys provide caring support and professional legal representation for victims and their families. We ensure at-fault parties are held responsible, with top case results totalling millions in jury awards and settlements. To get the legal help you need, call 1-800-GO HARRIS and request a free consultation today.  

Our Camarillo Pedestrian Accident Attorneys Protect Victims And Their Families 

Walking is excellent exercise and offers an environmentally-friendly alternative to driving. However, whether walking in your neighborhood, along busy city streets, or in local parking lots, be aware of potential risks.  

According to the California Office Of Traffic Safety (OTS), pedestrian accidents in Camarillo happen over once a month. Injuries suffered in these crashes have the potential to be severe.  

At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, our Camarillo pedestrian accident attorneys protect the rights of victims and their families, providing trusted legal representation to help you get compensation. Common types of pedestrian accident injuries in cases we handle:  

  • Broken bones, which may involve multiple fractures impacting the legs, hips, back, and neck; 
  • Crushing injuries, causing damage to body parts and internal organs;   
  • Deep cuts and lacerations, resulting in scarring, infections, and amputation of limbs; 
  • Head injuries, including concussions, skull fractures, and traumatic brain injuries (TBI); 
  • Road rash and burns, causing permanent disfigurement; 
  • Soft tissue injuries, such as muscle or tendon strains, sprains, and tears; 
  • Spinal injuries, resulting in partial or complete paralysis.   

What Are Common Causes of Camarillo Pedestrian Accidents?  

With our proximity to the coast and two major interstates running through the area, traffic is an ongoing issue for Camarillo residents. In addition to the aggravation this causes drivers, it poses serious risks for pedestrians.  

The City of Camarillo is dedicated to updating local infrastructure and improving public safety. Adding more sidewalks, crosswalks, and traffic signals helps protect pedestrians, but more aggressive traffic enforcement is also needed.  

At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc., we represent people who suffer pedestrian accident injuries in Camarillo due to the reckless actions of drivers. This includes: 

  • Distracted driving, such as texting, talking on cellphones, or engaging in any activity that diverts attention from the road; 
  • Driving under the influence, involving alcohol, recreational drugs, or medications; 
  • Drowsy driving, which impacts vision, slows reaction times, and can cause drivers to fall asleep behind the wheel; 
  • Failing to yield to pedestrians, common in parking lots and intersections; 
  • Running red lights and stop signs, or disregarding other traffic signals; 
  • Speeding and going too fast for conditions, increasing the risk of fatal injuries.  

How Can I Get Compensation In A Pedestrian Accident Claim? 

Sadly, California has one of the highest rates of pedestrian accidents in the country. According to the Governor's Highway Safety Association (GHSA), these claim the lives of more than 1,000 people each year. Even in less severe cases, victims can suffer permanent disabilities. Harris Personal Injury Lawyers help you get the compensation t5o cover your current costs and future expenses.  

If you or someone you love suffers pedestrian accident injuries, contact our office immediately. We protect your rights when dealing with insurers, gathering evidence, and aggressively negotiating on your behalf to ensure the maximum amount in a settlement. In cases where the driver is not covered or injuries are severe, our Camarillo pedestrian accident attorneys will not hesitate to take your case to court. Compensation available in a pedestrian accident lawsuit in California includes:  

  • Coverage of all medical expenses; 
  • Reimbursement for lost wages and future lost income due to ongoing disabilities; 
  • Compensation for pain, suffering, scarring or disfigurement, and lost enjoyment in life; 
  • Exemplary or punitive damages, an additional amount designed to punish the at-fault driver for willful and grossly negligent behavior.  

What If A Hit And Run Pedestrian Accident Happens?  

At-fault drivers may flee the scene to avoid liability for pedestrians' accidents in Camarillo. In this situation, our legal team can take the swift actions needed. This includes:  

  • Working with local law enforcement to solicit tips from the public; 
  • Obtaining surveillance footage from the scene, which helps identify the vehicle; 
  • Talking to witnesses who may be able to describe the driver; 
  • Visiting local repair shops, where the driver may have taken their car in the aftermath.  

Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS Today And Request A Free Consultation 

To get the compensation you need to recover from pedestrian accident injuries in Camarillo, reach out to Harris Personal Injury Lawyers. We handle these cases on a contingency basis, which means you pay no upfront costs or out-of-pocket attorney fees. To request a free consultation, call 1-800-GO-HARRIS or contact our Camarillo pedestrian accident attorneys online today.