Camarillo Truck Accident Attorneys

Truck accidents in Camarillo are among the most devastating crashes and can impact victims and their families for years after. Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. represents clients in these cases. As seasoned litigators with decades of experience, we help you get the compensation you are entitled to in a claim.

Our Camarillo truck accident attorneys hold at-fault truck drivers accountable to the companies they work for responsible. We fight to get you the maximum amount in your claim, with top case results showing settlements and jury awards worth millions of dollars. Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, call 1-800-GO-HARRIS for a free consultation today.  

Get Our Camarillo Truck Accident Attorneys On Your Side 

CalTrans shows major truck routes running directly through Camarillo. As a result, drivers routinely encounter semi-trucks, tractor-trailers, and other big rigs. Unfortunately, these vehicles' large size and massive weight make them more susceptible to crashes.  

When a truck accident in Camarillo does occur, it can impact multiple other drivers. In the aftermath, the trucking company and its insurers will typically rush to defend the driver. Get Harris Personal Injury Lawyers on your side to protect yourself and your rights. Our experienced Camarillo truck accident attorneys help clients get compensation in the following cases:  

  • Head-on truck crashes, one of the most dangerous types of truck accidents; 
  • Jackknife truck accidents, which are among the most common; 
  • Rear-collision truck accidents, common in heavy traffic and when going down hills; 
  • Rollover truck accidents, which often occur on tight turns and areas of road with sharp curves; 
  • Side-swipe truck accidents, common when passing; 
  • T-bone truck crashes, a major hazard on local streets and at intersections.  

What Are Common Types of Truck Accident Injuries In Camarillo?   

The National Safety Council (NSC) reports that nearly 5,000 people are killed in truck accidents yearly. Roughly 150,000 others suffer potentially debilitating personal injuries. The massive size and bulk of most big rigs help to protect the truck driver. In over two-thirds of these cases, victims represent other motorists involved.  

Truck accidents in Camarillo can impact drivers on both sides of the road and for miles in front of or behind the crash site. Being anywhere near the area could put you at risk. Common truck accident injuries that can occur as a result:  

  • Broken bones, which often involve multiple and complex fractures; 
  • Burn injuries, due to leaked fluids or hazardous material spills; 
  • Head injuries, which can disrupt brain functioning; 
  • Injuries to soft tissues, such as torn muscles and tendons; 
  • Internal injuries, causing internal bleeding and permanent damage to organs; 
  • Neck and back injuries, such as whiplash and herniated discs; 
  • Severe lacerations, resulting in scarring or amputation of body parts; 
  • Spinal injuries, resulting in permanent paralysis.  

These injuries can impact you and your loved ones for years to come. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc., you can count on our Camarillo truck accident attorneys to help you hold those at fault accountable.  

What Causes Camarillo Truck Accidents?  

Truck accidents in Camarillo often happen due to reckless behavior on the part of the truck driver. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) lists the following as common causes:   

  • Driver fatigue: Truckers work tight schedules with little downtime. Lack of sleep has serious effects on driving skills.  
  • Driver distraction: For any driver, distracted driving is dangerous. For truck drivers, the results can be disastrous.  
  • Driver impairment: To stay awake on the road or to deal with the stress of being away from family, truck drivers may turn to drugs or alcohol.   
  • Speeding: To meet delivery demands, speeding is common practice among truckers.  

In addition to the driver, the trucking company may share a portion of the blame. Harris Personal Injury Lawyers helps you hold them both accountable.  

How Much Is My Truck Accident Claim Worth?  

The amount you are entitled to in a truck accident claim depends on the circumstances and your injuries. Harris Personal Injury Lawyers aggressively negotiate with the trucking company and insurers to get the maximum settlement. If your injuries are severe or your claim is disputed, our legal team will not hesitate to take those at fault to court. Compensation available in a truck accident lawsuit includes:  

  • Coverage of current and future medical costs; 
  • Reimbursement for lost wages and future losses in earnings or benefits; 
  • Additional amounts for your pain, suffering, and any lost enjoyment in life your injuries cause; 
  • Exemplary or punitive damages, which punish the driver or the trucking company for grossly negligent behavior.  

Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS Today 

Injuries from truck accidents can impact victims and their families for years to come. Get Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. on your side to protect your rights when dealing with trucking companies and their insurers. Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS or contact our Camarillo truck accident attorneys online to request a free consultation.