Lake Forest Slip and Fall Attorneys

Lake Forest Slip and Fall Attorneys

Falling is a primary cause of unintentional injury death in California. Even if you survive, the financial and personal consequences of the resulting injuries can be life-changing. Our slip and fall lawyers in Lake Forest may be able to help you pursue compensation for healthcare bills, pain and suffering, lost wages, and other damages. We have won more than $300 million for clients in personal injury and wrongful death cases. For a free consultation, call 1-800-GO-HARRIS.

What Mistakes Should I Avoid Until My Case Has Concluded?

While you may have played no role in causing your injuries, it is still possible to make serious errors that could compromise your claim. Below are a few mistakes you will want to avoid until your case is resolved:

  • You Ignored Your Doctor’s Instructions: Recovering from a serious injury is a tough journey that will test you in more ways than one. Declining invitations to social activities, staying home from work, and being unable to enjoy your favorite past times can be downright miserable. However, if your healthcare provider gives you orders to rest, it’s important to follow their instructions. Fail to do so, and opposing parties may argue that you are at least partially liable as you did not take sufficient steps to mitigate damages. They could also argue that your pain and suffering is less severe than you are claiming.
  • You Delayed Your Diagnosis: Delaying or forgoing your medical treatment can increase the odds that the insurer will dispute the severity of your injuries or assert that you did not take sufficient steps to mitigate damages. You should visit a doctor immediately after leaving the scene.
  • You Posted on Social Media: Social media is a great way to stay in touch with friends and family. However, a public post about your injuries, claim, or the accident could harm your case. For instance, if you post pictures of yourself at a social gathering a few weeks after the accident, an opposing party may use this image to assert that you did not follow your doctor’s instructions to rest.


Should I Start a Personal Injury Journal?

The moment you sustained your injury may still be burned into your memory, but even the clearest details of this traumatic event will fade over time. Premises liability cases often hinge on the claimant’s ability to recall specific details about the accident, their recovery, and other elements related to their injuries. Simply put, forgetting key details is not an option if you hope to obtain a fair settlement. A personal injury journal is an easy way to keep track of the important facts pertaining to the accident such as the moments preceding the injury, your recovery, and day-to-day pain and suffering. Here are a few things you should include in your journal:

  • Pain and Suffering: Unlike medical bills and repair costs, quantifying pain and suffering is a difficult task. After all, everyone experiences pain differently, and it can be challenging to communicate exactly how your injury affects your life. A personal injury journal gives you a space to track pain levels and describe these sensations. Flex your writing skills and dig deep for evocative descriptions that help communicate your pain. Instead of saying, “I feel a dull ache in my knees,” you might write, “It feels like someone is pushing a rusted nail deep under my knee caps.”
  • Limitations: The way an injury inhibits your ability to complete certain tasks such exercising, taking care of your kids, or enjoying your favorite hobbies could also be factored into the potential settlement amount. Whenever your injury prevents you from doing a certain activity, you should make a note in your personal injury journal.
  • Doctor Visits: What did the doctor say? Did he or she prescribe any medication? Did your healthcare provider instruct you to rest? Whether you’re visiting your doctor for a follow-up or sitting down for a consultation with a specialist, you should always be taking notes in your journal. You should also make notes of when you followed through on their orders.
  • Medication Side Effects: Tracking prescription medication dosages, timings, and side effects can be useful to your Lake Forest slip and fall lawyer when he or she is building your case. Sometimes the side effects of prescription drugs can be nearly as devastating as the condition they are intended to treat. Details about these side effects might help your lawyer develop a more compelling claim.


Call Us Today to Speak with a Slip and Fall Lawyer in Lake Forest

At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, we accept premises liability cases on a contingency fee basis. You won’t have to worry about paying any attorneys’ fees whatsoever if we do not win your case. For a free consultation with one of our Lake Forest slip and fall attorneys, send us an email or call 1-800-GO-HARRIS.