Dana Point Car Accident Attorneys

Dana Point Car Accident Attorneys

Screeching brakes, a metallic thud, and a pop as the airbags deploy; a car accident is almost always a harrowing experience. However, if you suffered serious injuries, that trauma is likely to continue. Not only will you have to grapple with considerable pain and adapt to new limitations, but you may also be strapped with considerable medical debt and other unanticipated expenses. Our Dana Point car accident attorneys are here to help. We’ve assisted many clients in their fight for fair compensation after an accident. Not only can we represent you during negotiations and possible litigation, but we can also help with gathering evidence, preparing your claim, and overseeing other aspects of your car accident case. Dial 1-800-GO-HARRIS to find out more about our legal services.

Can I Use Facebook While My Claim Is Pending?

In the wake of a serious car accident, it’s normal to feel scared, stressed out, and completely overwhelmed. During these challenging times, friends and family can be an invaluable support network, offering you guidance, advice, and a shoulder to lean on. However, while it’s safe to discuss the accident and your injuries with your loved ones in person, taking these conversations online could have dire consequences for your personal injury claim. It’s not unheard of for insurance companies to keep tabs on claimants’ social media profiles in a bid to find any evidence that could be used to challenge their cases. Even seemingly harmless pictures or unrelated comments could become ammunition in the hands of a savvy claims adjuster. As such, it’s advised to deactivate your social media accounts until your case has concluded. However, if this isn’t an option for you right now, here are a few ways you can protect your claim next time you go online:

  • Never “Check in:” Sites such as Facebook give you the option to “check in” whenever you arrive at a new location. It’s an easy way to let those in your circles know what you are up to; it’s also an opportunity for the insurance company to gather evidence to dispute your claim. If the insurer is keeping tabs on your social media profiles, your “check ins” won’t fly under the radar. For example, if you’re claiming that you are in incredible pain, but your Facebook activity shows you jumping from bar to restaurant to gym, the insurance company may use this information to assert that you are exaggerating the extent of your injuries. Alternatively, if your doctor ordered you to rest, such social media activity will show that you failed to follow their instructions.
  • Don’t Accept New Friend Requests: In the modern era, every new connection request represents an opportunity to expand your online circles and professional networks. However, if you are seeking damages for a personal injury, these invitations could pose a serious threat to your chances of obtaining a financial award. Instead of an acquaintance or distant relative, it may be an opposing party at the other end of this request. Once accepted, they will have free rein to pore through your posts and pick out any comments or pictures that could be used as evidence to challenge your case. As such, you should ignore all new connection requests until your claim is resolved.
  • Avoid Publishing Pictures: Maybe it’s just a snapshot of you going for a walk at the park; what’s the harm of posting this image online to share with friends and family? Unfortunately, even these happy moments could be weaponized against you during negotiations, litigation, or trial. Let’s go back to that picture at the park; while you may have been gritting your teeth against the pain, the insurance company could use this photo to assert that your injuries can’t be that serious if you’re able to engage in physical activity. There are many ways your pictures could hurt your chances of obtaining a financial award. As such, you should avoid posting any images online until you’ve received a settlement or verdict.

Common Types of Losses in an Auto Accident Case

A catastrophic injury can have a ripple effect across all aspects of your life, affecting both your financial stability and emotional well-being. If you were harmed by another party, you have a right to seek compensation for the losses you’ve incurred. After all, why should you be straddled with the costly consequences of someone else’s negligence? While most claimants are aware that they can pursue damages for their medical bills, there are many other types of losses that won’t necessarily be reflected by your medical records, invoices, and receipts. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, our legal team can assess your case as part of a free initial consultation and help you estimate the value of your damages. Below are examples of losses commonly available to claimants in a personal injury claim:

  • Tangible Losses: These are expenses you’ve incurred as a direct result of your injuries. Often referred to as economic damages, tangible losses can include your medical bills, home modifications, repair costs, lost earnings, and other accident-related costs.
  • Intangible Losses: Not all types of damages can be seen with the naked eye. A serious injury can severely impact your mental well-being and ability to enjoy your life. For example, if you suffered a permanent disability that prevents you from engaging in your favorite pastimes or attending social events, your attorney may be able to make a case for non-economic damages such as loss of life enjoyment. While these damages are difficult to quantify, attorneys have developed in-depth formulas and other methods for estimating the value of pain and suffering.
  • Punitive Damages: Unlike the compensatory damages listed above, punitive damages do not exist to reimburse the plaintiff for their losses but to punish the defendant for their reckless actions. These damages will only come into play if it can be demonstrated, with strong evidence, that the defendant’s negligent behavior was particularly extreme. For example, if you were injured in an auto accident with a drunk driver, the judge or jury may award punitive damages to punish the intoxicated motorist in order to deter others from driving under the influence.

Discuss Your Claim with a Dana Point Car Accident Attorney

If you or someone you love was injured in a collision, it may be in your best interests discuss your case with an experienced car accident attorney. Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS or shoot us a message HERE to pencil in your free consultation.