Moreno Valley Train Accident Attorneys

Moreno Valley Train Accident Attorneys

Our train accident attorneys in Moreno Valley have decades of combined experience and a track record of success in personal injury and wrongful death cases of varying complexity. If you were hurt or lost a family member in a locomotive crash, our team can help you navigate the legal system and fight for the highest possible settlement. Our lawyers understand the devastating impact that a serious and unexpected accident can have on the lives of victims. We are dedicated to providing aggressive representation through every stage of the claims process, and we are not afraid to enter litigation if the opposing party refuses to pay a fair settlement. To set up a free case assessment, call 1-800-GO-HARRIS.

How Can a Train Accident Lawyer Assist with My Case?

There are unique challenges involved in train accident claims that don’t apply to most other auto accident cases. Our train accident lawyers in Moreno Valley are well-versed in the nuances of these cases and know what it takes to win substantial settlements and verdicts. No matter how strong your case seems, you won’t be able to obtain compensation unless you can prove liability, causation, and damages. Even if you have compelling evidence, one mistake could be enough to derail your entire case. Your lawyer can protect your rights and help you navigate every step of the proceedings. Below are a few specific examples of ways an attorney can assist with your claim:

  • Gathering Evidence of Liability: There are multiple parties who might be liable for a train crash. Sometimes more than one party is at fault. Determining liability requires an in-depth investigation and a careful assessment of the circumstances that led to the crash. It may be necessary to consult with an accident reconstruction expert and other specialists. Sometimes key evidence is withheld, and a subpoena must be filed to obtain it. At the end of the day, gathering evidence can be an arduous process, but the strength of your evidence will ultimately determine the outcome of your case. Our Moreno Valley train accident lawyers can help you compile all available evidence so your claim is as strong as possible when we enter settlement negotiations.
  • Overcoming Disputes over Causation: There are many reasons why a dispute might arise in a train accident case. If you had a preexisting medical condition, for example, the opposing party might dispute causation by asserting that you are pursuing damages for an injury or illness that was not caused by the crash. Our lawyers have extensive experience overcoming these disputes.
  • Taking over Relevant Correspondence: The statements you provide to the insurance adjuster may eventually be used to dispute your claim. It’s wise to let an attorney handle this dialogue so you don’t inadvertently say something that prevents you from obtaining fair compensation.
  • Helping You Meet Deadlines: You have a limited timeframe within which to file a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit. Several factors can influence the deadline that applies to your case. Your lawyer can determine how long you have to file suit and make sure that deadline is not missed.
  • Approximating a Reasonable Settlement Figure: Determining the value of your claim is one of the primary reasons to hire an attorney. Countless accident victims have agreed to settlements only to find out later that they left thousands of dollars on the table. If you were seriously harmed or lost a family member in a train accident, the damages could be substantial, but you cannot trust the opposing party or their insurer to offer a fair payout. An attorney can approximate the value of your damages and use proven negotiation strategies to fight for the highest possible settlement.
  • Proceeding to Litigation If Appropriate: If the opposing party refuses to pay a fair settlement, the smartest course of action may be to file a lawsuit and proceed to litigation. Some lawyers, however, are reluctant to enter litigation either due to a lack of experience or simply because they want to take on more cases and litigation demands a considerable amount of time and diligence. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, we are seasoned litigators who never shy away from a fight.
  • Arranging Expert Witness Deposition: If your case proceeds to discovery, the deposition of expert witnesses could play an integral role in how your case unfolds. Our attorneys work with a range of well-credentialed medical, financial, and vocational experts, and we know how to get the most value out of their deposition.
  • Helping You Avoid Mistakes: We can help you avoid costly errors such as providing a recorded statement, overlooking damages, or failing to mitigate the damages.

Contact Us Today for a Free Consultation with a Moreno Valley Train Accident Lawyer

We are available 24/7 to take your call. Dial 1-800-GO-HARRIS or send a message HERE to set up a free consultation.