Villa Park Brain Injury Attorneys

Villa Park Brain Injury Attorneys

Brain injuries are often debilitating, leaving victims unable to return to their normal routines. Some victims are unable to work, enjoy their favorite past times, or take care of their families. If you suffered a serious injury in an accident that wasn’t your fault, it may be in your best interests to contact our Villa Park brain injury attorneys. From train wrecks to car accidents to slip and falls, we’ve handled a wide range of personal injury cases and know what it takes to succeed during settlement negotiations or trial. Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS to speak to a member of our legal team.

What Kinds of Witnesses May Play a Role in My Case?

If you suffered a serious brain injury, it’s likely you will be seeking a significant sum. As such, you should expect the insurer and opposing parties to challenge your claim to reduce how much they pay out. In some personal injury claims, overcoming disputes is often as simple as presenting the official accident report or handing over copies of your medical records. However, brain injuries are incredibly complex; even if two victims suffer the same injury, their symptoms and limitations could be drastically different. To overcome disputes in such cases, it is often necessary to call on expert witnesses to provide deposition. These individuals have expertise in a specific field, and their insight could play a critical role in proving liability and damages. Below are a few examples of expert witnesses that your Villa Park brain injury attorney may bring in to assist with your claim:

  • Accident Reconstruction Experts: If opposing parties dispute how liability is apportioned, your attorney may call on an accident reconstruction expert to investigate the accident scene. This expert may want to review evidence such as photos taken at the scene, property damage, and other evidence to determine how the accident happened.
  • Economic Experts: If your injuries have inhibited your ability to work and earn a living, it might be necessary to call on an economist to provide deposition regarding the value of lost future earnings, benefits, and investments.
  • Cognitive Therapists: These experts can provide deposition regarding how your injury has affected your cognitive skills.
  • Life Care Planners: A life care planner can help create a roadmap of your recovery by determining when you will reach maximum medical improvement and the healthcare costs you are likely to incur up until this point.
  • Neurologists: These doctors specialize in diagnosing and treating injuries, disorders, and diseases related to the muscles, nervous system, brain, and spine.
  • Occupational Therapists: These experts specialize in helping those who have been seriously injured return to their normal routines and adapt to limitations stemming from their injuries.

How Our Villa Park Personal Injury Attorneys Can Help

Before you reach out to an attorney, you will want to know that this is the right decision for you and your loved ones. You want the assurance that hiring a lawyer will not only make your life easier but could also help you achieve a desirable outcome in your case. While we cannot guarantee you a specific outcome—no law firm or lawyer can—we can handle the logistics of your case, connect you with resources, and provide tenacious representation at all stages of proceedings. Here are a few more ways we might be able to assist with your claim:

  • Estimate the Value of Your Damages: Initiating settlement negotiations when you don’t have an accurate idea of the potential value of your losses is a critical mistake that could endanger your financial well-being. If, for example, you underestimate how much it will cost to treat your injuries, your settlement may run dry leaving you on the hook for any unexpected medical interventions. Our attorneys can work with you and your medical providers to approximate the value of both your current and future medical bills. We can also help develop evidence of pain and suffering such as reviewing psychiatric records or guiding you through the process of starting and maintain a personal injury journal to document your injuries, symptoms, and limitations.
  • Handle the Insurance Claim: Between the calls and requests for documentation, filing a claim can be a time-consuming undertaking. After an accident, you will likely want to focus on your recovery and other important matters instead. At HPIL, our legal team can help handle the claims process by answering the claims adjuster’s questions on your behalf, responding to requests for documentation, and compiling the evidence required to approve and settle your case.
  • Litigate Your Case: If the insurance company and other opposing parties refuse to agree to a settlement, our trial attorneys are ready to represent your best interests in court. While many attorneys shy away from trial due to the immense resources and time required to succeed at this stage of proceedings, our legal team has helped many of our clients obtain the verdicts they need to get their lives back on track.

Contact Us Today to Discuss Your Options with a Villa Park Brain Injury Attorney

A brain injury can lead to a lifetime of complications, limitations, and medical expenses. Our attorneys can assist with your claim, helping you fight for the compensation you and your family need during this challenging chapter of your lives. Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS or fill out our Contact Form to pencil in your free consultation.