Agoura Hills Truck Accident Attorneys

Agoura Hills Truck Accident Attorneys

Driving alongside a tractor-trailer is a frightening experience, but nobody expects to be involved in a truck accident. If you were injured in such a collision, you may be entitled to monetary damages. Our truck accident attorneys in Agoura Hills can help you pursue the compensated needed to cover medical bills and any other economic and non-economic damages arising from the crash. We have extensive experience and a track record of success going up against large motor carriers and their insurance companies. If the opposing party refuses to pay a fair settlement, our seasoned trial lawyers will relish the opportunity to proceed to litigation. To schedule a free case assessment, call us today at 1-800-GO-HARRIS.

What If the Trucking Company Withholds Evidence?

California courts recognize the doctrine of respondeat superior. Under this doctrine, an employer can be held liable for damages caused by the negligence of an employee who is acting within the course and scope of their employment. If the truck driver was an employee and acting within the course and scope of their employment at the time of the wreck, you may be able to hold their employer vicariously liable for your damages. However, you should expect the trucking company to do everything in their power to weaken your case. This might involve withholding evidence or at least resisting your attorney’s requests for evidence. If this happens, your Agoura Hills truck accident lawyer can file a subpoena to obtain the evidence.

What Evidence Might Contribute to My Case?

Much of the evidence needed to strengthen a truck accident case is the same as the evidence used to build a typical car accident claim. There are, however, certain kinds of evidence that are unique to these cases. Below we’ve outlined a few examples of evidence that might be used to strengthen your case:

  • Video Recordings: Footage of the accident might shed light on how it happened and could therefore serve as valuable evidence of liability. Our Agoura Hills truck accident lawyers can investigate whether there were any dash cams or surveillance cameras in the nearby vicinity.
  • Pictures of the Scene: Photos can also tell the story of what transpired in the moments leading up to a collision. Pictures of property damage, skid marks, and injuries could all be used to strengthen your claim.
  • The Accident Report: Hopefully police attended the scene and were able to create a report. The content of this report might be essential for avoiding and mitigating disputes.
  • Black Box Data: Most commercial trucks are equipped with a black box that tracks various metrics about the driver’s behavior. Its content can provide insight into whether the crash was caused by the trucker’s negligence.
  • Electronic Driving Logs: The driver’s EDLs might show that he or she violated Hours of Service Regulations.
  • Bills of Lading: Timestamped bills of lading could also demonstrate that the driver violated HoS Regulations.
  • Expert Witness Deposition: The deposition of various experts could strengthen your case in many different ways. An accident reconstruction expert might provide deposition about how the collision happened. One or more medical experts might be deposed regarding the kinds of injuries suffered, your prognosis, and the cost of care. A financial expert might be deposed about the value of lost future income. If the crash was caused by a defective auto part, your Agoura Hills truck accident attorney might depose an auto part specialist.
  • Medical Documents: Your medical records can provide insight into the severity of your injuries and their long-term effects.
  • Financial Documents: Your financial records will play an integral role in your case if you want to seek compensation for lost income.
  • Your Personal Injury Journal: Journal entries about the kinds of symptoms you experience, their frequency, and their severity can help your lawyer build a more compelling claim. Your initial entry should outline all the details you remember about the crash. Any subsequent entries should detail your symptoms, medical side effects, and how the injuries are diminishing your day-to-day wellbeing.
  • Receipts for Accident-Related Expenses: There are many kinds of expenses that might be recoverable. Be sure to keep any receipts and invoices for costs you incur after the crash.

Speak with an Agoura Hills Truck Accident Lawyer Today

Our attorneys can help you navigate every stage of the legal system, avoid mistakes, and fight for the highest settlement or verdict possible. Recovering fair compensation after a truck wreck often involves an uphill legal battle, but our legal team will serve as your aggressive advocate every step of the way. There’s no cost for the initial consultation, and if we do not resolve the case in your favor, no attorneys’ fees will be owed. To speak with a member of our team in a free consultation, email us HERE or call 1-800-GO-HARRIS.