Bakersfield Train Accident Attorneys

Bakersfield Train Accident Attorneys

Most drivers are well aware that a serious collision can happen at any time, but nobody expects to be involved in a train accident. If you or someone in your family has been injured in such a wreck—whether as a train passenger, pedestrian, or the occupant of another vehicle—you may be entitled to monetary damages. Our train accident attorneys in Bakersfield can help you navigate the legal proceedings and pursue the compensation you may need to cover medical costs, lost wages, and other damages. Determining liability can be especially complicated in these cases, but our lawyers have an in-depth knowledge of the relevant statutes and case law, so we are well-prepared to help you fight for the highest possible settlement. We have won more than $300,000,000 for accident victims and their families. To speak with a member of our team, call 1-800-GO-HARRIS for a free case assessment.

Can I Pursue Compensation for Future Medical Bills and Lost Earning Capacity?

In the state of California, the victims of serious personal injury have the right to pursue compensation for any economic and non-economic damages they incur due to the tort. This includes the damages that have already accrued as well as those that are reasonably certain to accrue in the future. Medical bills and lost income are types of economic damages since they are objectively verifiable—as opposed to non-economic damages, which are subjective in nature (like emotional distress and pain and suffering). When a person is severely injured, it is possible that he or she will not make a full recovery until after the case has been resolved. For example, it can take more than three years for a brain injury to heal, and under many circumstances, the victim never makes a full recovery. If you have suffered a catastrophic injury and it is reasonably certain that you will incur future medical bills and the loss of future income, your Bakersfield train accident lawyer can include these damages in the settlement calculations. Unfortunately, the opposing party might dispute the existence or value of such damages. There are, however, various strategies your lawyer can employ to counter such disputes. Examples include:

  • Compiling All Evidence of Damages: Any diagnostic imaging, prescription records, lab test results, and other medical documents may be used by your lawyer to prove the kinds of injuries you have sustained and their severity.
  • Deposing Retained Medical Experts: Various medical specialists may be deposed to prove the severity of your injuries, the anticipated trajectory of your recovery, and the expected cost of future medical care. The specific experts who might be deposed will depend on your particular medical condition but may include neurologists, physical therapists, life care planners, nurse practitioners, and other healthcare providers whose specialization is concerned with your particular condition.
  • Deposing Your Medical Team: Your own doctor might be deposed as an expert percipient witness or non-retained medical expert. Such testimony may help your Bakersfield train accident attorney prove the nature of your injuries and the progress of your recovery
  • Deposing an Economist: The deposition of a financial expert may be necessary to prove the value of lost income and how inflation and other factors should influence the settlement calculations.
  • Deposing a Vocational Expert: The opposing party might assert that your injuries will not reduce your income-earning capacity. If this happens, the deposition of a vocational expert may be necessary to prove that your ability to earn an income has been diminished due to the injuries.

At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, we frequently work with a variety of medical and technical experts while building our clients’ claims. We know when to depose expert witnesses and how to get the most value out of their deposition. This is an essential quality to look for in an attorney because if your case proceeds to discovery, the defense will also have an opportunity to depose retained experts of their own in order to challenge your case. Our lawyers only work with well-credentialed experts who have the qualifications to provide credible deposition, which may give us an edge during litigation.

Are Social Media Posts Admissible in Court?

In most cases, yes, social media posts are admissible as evidence in court. For personal injury claimants, that means the content of their online profiles—and perhaps the profiles of their close friends and family—may be used to challenge liability or damages. For this reason, it’s a good idea to deactivate your social media accounts while your case is pending, and to tell friends and family members not to mention you, tag you, or post photos of you online.

Discuss Your Case with a Train Accident Lawyer in Bakersfield

If you are in need of legal guidance after being injured or losing a family member in a train accident, turn to Harris Personal Injury Lawyers. Schedule a free case assessment by calling 1-800-GO-HARRIS or sending us a message on our Contact Page.