Castaic Brain Injury Attorneys

The brain is the control center of your body, facilitating everything from speech to movement to your senses. When this vital organ is damaged in an accident, you could suffer a series of life-altering complications that might make it impossible for you to live independently. If you were hurt due to someone else’s negligent or reckless actions, turn to our Castaic brain injury attorneys to discuss your situation. 

At HPIL, we have a track record of success handling personal injury and wrongful death claims in the state, helping our clients secure more than $300 million in verdicts and settlements. Reach out to us at 1-800-GO-HARRIS to request a free consultation. 

How Can the Attorneys at HPIL Assist with My Claim? 

If you were hurt in a wreck, you may be considering hiring an attorney to help you with your personal injury claim. However, many injury victims are unsure of what to look for a lawyer.  

There can be a world of difference between two attorneys. Some, for example, simply don’t have the time, resources, or experience to give your case the attention it deserves. As such, it’s important to consider your options carefully so that you have someone in your corner who is equipped to help you achieve a favorable outcome. 

Here are a few ways the skilled personal injury lawyers HPIL may be able to assist you during these challenging times: 

  • Approximate the Value of Your Damages: If you don’t have a clear idea of how much your case might be worth, you could be lured into accepting a settlement that doesn’t cover the full range of your losses. As such, it’s important to investigate the wreck, review the available evidence, and assess your damages before initiating proceedings. At HPIL, we can help tackle these tasks and consult with expert witnesses if necessary to ensure that you claim accounts for all recoverable losses. 
  • Investigate the Accident: While the insurer will launch their own investigation into what happened, you cannot rely on their findings alone. In a bid to undervalue your claim, the insurance adjuster will likely want to find evidence that could be used to dispute liability and damages. As such, it’s important to conduct your own investigation into the wreck. Our attorneys can help thoroughly investigate the incident, gathering the necessary evidence to build a convincing case. 
  • Give You Access to Our Resources: We have built strong relationships with economists, accident reconstruction experts, medical providers, and other highly qualified professionals in California. When you hire us to handle your case, you will gain access to this expansive network of experts who are available to assist with your claim at any time. 

How Long Will My Claim Take to Resolve? 

From lost income to exorbitant medical costs, the expenses associated with suffering a brain injury can quickly put your finances in the red. As such, you might be eager to settle your claim and move on with your life as soon as possible.  

However, rushing into negotiations and accepting the insurer’s first offer could put you in a precarious financial position. It’s possible that your settlement won’t cover the full range of your losses, leaving you on the hook for the outstanding amount. 

While we can’t give you an exact timeline for your case, we can give you insight into factors that might affect the duration of proceedings. Let’s take a look at a few of these factors below: 

  • The Complexity of Your Case: The circumstances surrounding the accident will almost always affect the timeline of your claim. If there is only one liable party and they are not disputing liability, then your personal injury claim could be resolved in a matter of weeks. However, if there are multiple liable parties named in your claim, one or more parties are disputing aspects of your case, and you suffered a serious injury or disability that has affected many different aspects of your life, your lawyer may need several months just to gather evidence and build a strong case. 
  • The Severity of Your Injuries: Recovering from a serious injury is rarely a straightforward process. Throughout your recovery there may be many twists and turns. Your condition could worsen, you might have to undergo additional procedures, modify your vehicle or home to accommodate limitations stemming from your condition, or attend physical therapy sessions. As such, we may advise you to wait until you’ve reached maximum medical improvement (MMI)—the point in your treatment where your injuries have either healed, or your condition is not expected to improve with further treatment—before commencing settlement negotiations. Doing so will ensure that you have a better idea of the full costs involved in treating your injuries. 
  • Whether You Made Any Mistakes: After a serious accident, it’s only normal to feel stressed, confused, and frustrated. In this state, it’s all too easy to say something that could be used as evidence to challenge your case. Even in the aftermath, you might hop onto social media to publish a post disclosing the grisly details of this traumatic experience. This is also a critical error that could cost you a fair settlement as the insurer might use your online activity as evidence to challenge your credibility. Other mistakes that you should avoid include deviating from your treatment plan, failing to track your damages, and taking too long to seek medical treatment after the wreck.  

Discuss Your Case with a Castaic Brain Injury Attorney 

A traumatic brain injury can take a serious toll on your emotional, physical, and financial well-being. At HPIL, our attorneys understand the struggles you’re facing, and will treat you and your family with compassion and respect from the moment you pick up the phone. Dial 1-800-GO-HARRIS or tap through to our contact form HERE to secure a free case review.