Burbank Bicycle Accident Attorneys

Burbank Bicycle Accident Attorneys

Bicycling provides a convenient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly way to get around Burbank. While there are numerous health benefits of riding a bike as well, crashes involving motor vehicles are common and can leave bicyclists with serious, potentially life-threatening injuries. When these types of accidents happen, Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. helps you get the compensation you need to recover. As experienced Burbank bicycle accident attorneys, we are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to answer your questions about filing a claim. Our top case results show settlements worth hundreds of thousands of dollars in bicycle accident cases we represent. Contact 1-800-GO-HARRIS and request a free consultation to discuss how we can help you today.

Our Burbank Bicycle Accident Attorneys Help You Get Compensation For Your Injuries

While bicycling can be a fun way to keep fit and provides an inexpensive form of transportation, riders have little in the way to protect them when it comes to bicycle accidents involving other road users. According to statistics from the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), Los Angeles County has the highest number of bicycle accidents in the state. For bicyclists in Burbank, being aware of traffic and protecting themselves against these accidents is a top priority. Unfortunately, crashes and collisions can still happen and when they do, the injuries you suffer are likely to be severe. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, we provide the compassionate client care and professional legal guidance you need when filing a claim. Injuries suffered by clients in cases our bicycle accident attorneys in Burbank represent include:

  • Soft tissue injuries, such as sprained and torn muscles or tendons;
  • Broken bones and dislocated joints;
  • Burn injuries and road rashes;
  • Severe cuts, lacerations, and loss of limbs;
  • Crushing injuries, which can cause damage to internal organs;
  • Back and neck injuries, including damage to the spinal cord;
  • Head injuries, which include concussion, skull fractures, and traumatic brain injuries (TBI).

Whether your bicycle accident involves a car, truck, motorcyclist, ride-sharing driver, or other motorists, Harris Personal Injury Lawyers helps you get the compensation you are entitled to in a claim.

What Are The Most Common Causes of Bicycle Accidents?

When bicycle accidents in Burbank happen, it is often the reckless actions of others on the road which are ultimately to blame. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), close to 900 bicyclists are killed each year while tens of thousands of others suffer serious injuries as a result of dangerous driving behaviors on the part of motorists. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, our Burbank bicycle accident attorneys hold at-fault drivers accountable for the following:

  • Speeding and going too fast for conditions;
  • Running red lights and disregarding stop signs or other traffic signals;
  • Failing to yield, tailgating, and other aggressive driving behaviors;
  • Driving distracted, such as using cell phones or texting;
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol. Illegal drugs, or medications.

When a driver’s reckless actions leave you suffering serious bicycle accident injuries, you have the right to hold them accountable either through a claim filed against their insurer or through a personal injury lawsuit.

What Should I Do If I Am Injured In A Bicycle Accident In Burbank?

One of the first steps you need to take in the event of a bicycle accident in Burbank is to notify local law enforcement immediately, regardless of the severity of the crash. They will fill out an accident report, which provides valuable evidence in filing a claim. Other steps our Burbank bicycle accident attorneys recommend include:

  • Get the name of the driver, their personal contact and insurance information, and a description of their vehicle;
  • Make note of exactly where and when the accident occurred, as cameras at nearby stores or traffic signals may have recorded the incident.
  • Get the names and contact information for any witnesses at the scene.
  • Seek medical attention as soon as possible, regardless of the extent of your injuries.

Before making any statements to insurers or accepting any settlements offered, contact our Burbank bicycle accident attorney first. Insurance companies are for-profit businesses and as such, it is not uncommon for them to use statements you make to deny your claim or to offer a settlement well below what you actually deserve. Our legal team can negotiate with these companies on your behalf, helping to ensure you get the maximum amount you are entitled to. In the event the driver is uninsured or a reasonable settlement cannot be reached, we can guide you in filing a personal injury lawsuit through the local courts.

Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS Today And Request A Free Consultation

At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc., we provide the aggressive legal representation you need to hold at-fault drivers accountable for your bicycle accident injuries. To discuss how we can help you get the maximum amount you are entitled to in your claim. call 1-800-GO-HARRIS or contact our Burbank bicycle accident attorneys online today and request a free consultation.