Burbank Train Accident Attorneys

Burbank Train Accident Attorneys

Train accidents in Burbank can happen in a variety of ways. Major crashes, mishaps on board, or accidents at the train station can all leave you suffering serious injuries. When the reckless actions of the train company or their employees are responsible, Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. holds them accountable in a claim. Our experienced Burbank train accident attorneys have decades worth of combined experience defending the rights of injured victims in these types of cases.  Our top case results show settlements and jury awards worth millions of dollars on behalf of our clients. To find out how we can help you get the compensation you need to recover, contact 1-800-GO-HARRIS and request a free consultation today.

Get Our Burbank Train Accident Attorneys Working On Your Case

Metrolink offers three major train stations for riders in Burbank to choose from, making it a convenient form of transportation for getting around the Los Angeles area. For longer trips, many local residents rely on Amtrak for taking them to destinations throughout California and across the United States. Few of these passengers are aware of the risks when it comes to train accidents and injuries. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, we help clients get the compensation they are entitled to when train accidents occur. Train companies have teams of lawyers working on their side to defend them against claims. Get our Burbank train accident attorneys working hard on yours. Cases we represent include:

  • Train accidents due to collisions with other trains or stationary objects;
  • Crashes that happen when trains jump the tracks;
  • On board incidents, such as getting thrown from your seat or physical altercations with other passengers;
  • Slip and fall train accidents that happen while boarding or disembarking;
  • Train station accidents, which can happen when walking through the terminal and while waiting for your train.

Common Causes of Train Accidents In Cases We Represent

According to the US Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS), close to 2,000 train accidents are reported throughout the country each year. These refer mostly to major accidents and do not include more minor mishaps that occur in the terminal or throughout your trip, which can still leave you suffering serious personal injuries. With the number of train service providers in our area, California has one of the highest rates for train accidents in the country. When you suffer injuries as a result, Harris Personal Injury Lawyers helps you get the compensation you are entitled to in a claim. When the reckless or negligent actions of train companies or their employees are responsible for your injuries, our Burbank train accident attorneys help you hold them accountable. Common causes of train accidents in cases we represent include:

  • Reckless operations, in which the conductor or train engineer is at fault. This includes speeding, being distracted, and operating the train while under the influence.
  • Mistakes and errors on the part of signal workers, schedulers, or other train company employees;
  • Maintenance issues and mechanical failures due to faulty parts and lack of oversight;
  • Overcrowded trips, failure to properly assist passengers, and other problems which put passengers at risk;
  • Dangerous conditions at train stations, making accidents more likely to happen.

How Do I File A Train Accident Claim?

In the immediate aftermath of any type of train accident, it is important to make sure an incident report is filed and to seek medical attention immediately.  You have the right to seek compensation for the damages you suffer, either through the train company or their insurers. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, our legal team provides the trusted legal guidance you need when filing this type of claim. We can negotiate with the train company on your behalf while gathering the evidence needed to prove your case. Unfortunately, when dealing with any insurance company, it is important to remember that these are for-profit businesses. As such, their bottom line is protecting their own profits. It is not uncommon for them to either deny your claim or undervalue the amount you are entitled to. In the event a reasonable insurance settlement cannot be reached, our Burbank train accident attorneys will not hesitate in taking the train company to court. Damages you may be entitled to in a train accident lawsuit include:

  • Economic damages, which cover the actual costs associated with your train accident, such as medical expenses and lost wages;
  • Non-economic damages, which cover the pain, suffering, and loss of enjoyment in life your train accident injuries cause you or your family members;
  • Punitive damages, designed to punish the train company for particularly negligent actions that put you at risk.

Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS To Schedule A Free Consultation Today

Before accepting less than what you are entitled to for your train accident injuries, reach out to Harris Personal Injury Lawyers first. Get the aggressive legal representation you need and call 1-800-GO-HARRIS or contact our Burbank train accident attorneys online today to schedule a free consultation.