Irvine Dog Bite Injury Attorneys

Irvine Dog Bite Attorneys

Dogs are furry, fun-loving companions and fiercely protective of their owners. However, even the friendliest and most well-trained pup can occasionally act out or become aggressive. Dog bites and attacks are terrifying and traumatic. They can also put you at risk for potentially disfiguring injuries and life-threatening infections. When these types of injuries impact you or someone you love, our Irvine dog bite attorneys help you hold the dog owner accountable. With over a decade’s worth of experience representing victims in dog bite cases,  Harris Personal Injury Lawyers provide the caring support and professional legal guidance you need. Find out how we can help you get the compensation you deserve for dog bite injuries. Call our Irvine Dog Bite Injury Attorneys at 1-800-GO-HARRIS and request a free consultation today.

Aggressive Legal Representation From Our Irvine Dog Bite Attorneys

Dogs have a reputation for being beloved companions and many owners think of their four-legged friends as family members. Unfortunately, this can make them blind to the risk their dog poses to others. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), any dog has the potential to bite or attack in certain situations, particularly if they are hungry, threatened, or hurt. With nearly 40 percent of all homes owning at least one dog, the odds of being bitten are high. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, we aggressively defend the rights of victims in these types of cases. While dog owners may attempt to make excuses for the animal’s behavior, our Irvine dog bite attorneys understand the seriousness of the situation. We represent clients in claims involving the following types of dog bite injuries:

  • Puncture wounds and deep lacerations caused by bites and scratches;
  • Torn muscles, tendons, and other soft tissue injuries;
  • Back or neck injuries caused by your attempts to fight the dog off;
  • Wounds to the face and other sensitive areas, resulting in permanent scars and disfigurement;
  • Loss of limbs, fingers, and other body parts.

In addition to the above injuries, the germs in a dog’s mouth can cause potentially deadly diseases. These include staph and bacterial infections, as well as cases involving tetanus or rabies.

Can I Sue My Neighbor For Dog Bite Injuries?

When dog bite injuries occur as a result of the owner’s negligence, you have the right to file a claim seeking compensation. This is true whether the owner is a stranger, a neighbor, a friend, or even a family member. Some states have what is known as a ‘one bite’ rule. This means that the dog must have acted out aggressively in the past in order for the dog owner to be liable. This is not the case in our area. Under Section 3342 of the California Civil Code, even if the dog is otherwise docile and friendly, the dog owner can be held accountable for failing to keep the dog on a leash and secure at all times or for failing to post warnings on the property. As experienced dog bite injury attorneys, we can advise you on the best course of action in seeking compensation in a claim. There are two general options:

  • File a claim through the dog owner’s property insurance;
  • File a personal injury lawsuit against them in court.

While an insurance claim may be the least confrontational way of dealing with dog bites caused by a neighbor or friend’s pet, the top priority for our legal team is making sure you are adequately compensated for the injuries you suffer.

How Much Am I Entitled To In A Dog Bite Claim?

A quick review of our top case results at Harris Personal Injury Lawyers shows our success in negotiating dog bite settlements worth millions of dollars. The exact amount you may be entitled to depends on the severity of the attack and the injuries you suffer as a result. As experienced Irvine Dog Bite Injury Attorneys, we will work closely with you, gathering information about your case and statements from medical providers to ensure you get the maximum amount you need to recover. Common types of compensation in dog bite claims include:

  • Medical expenses: In addition to current costs, you are entitled to compensation for any future medical expenses you incur due to your injuries;
  • Lost wages: This includes time off during your recovery and future lost wages in the event of lingering disabilities.
  • Pain and suffering: Dog bites and attacks are traumatic events. When you file a personal injury lawsuit against the dog owner, you may be entitled to compensation for the pain, suffering, scarring, or disfigurement caused by the attack.

Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS To Schedule A Free Consultation With Our Irvine Dog Bite Attorneys

Ensuring you get the maximum amount you need to recover from dog bite injuries is our top priority at Harris Personal Injury Lawyers. Find out how we can help by calling 1-800-GO-HARRIS or contact our Irvine dog bite injury attorneys online today to request a free consultation.