Irvine Uber and Lyft Attorneys

Irvine Uber and Lyft Accident Attorneys

In Irvine, relying on an Uber or Lyft can spare you the hassle of driving while saving you money on gas, insurance, and parking. However, taking one does not mean you are immune to car accidents and injuries. When a crash or collision does happen, Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. provides the professional legal representation you need. Serious and potentially life-threatening injuries can occur as a result of ride-sharing accidents. As experienced Irvine Uber and Lyft accident attorneys, we can guide you in seeking compensation through a claim. To schedule a free consultation, call 1-800-GO-HARRIS today.

Cases Our Irvine Uber and Lyft Accident Attorneys Represent

The Irvine Transportation Network recommends ride-sharing as an affordable and convenient option for local residents to consider. It can make your commute more pleasant, allowing you to focus on tasks other than driving, and provides a cost-effective alternative to owning and operating a motor vehicle. Even for those who prefer using their own cars for work, school, and errands, calling an Uber or Lyft is standard practice on weekends and can provide a safer alternative to drinking and driving. Unfortunately, as ride-sharing has grown in popularity, there are increasing reports regarding accidents and injuries. When this happens, Harris Personal Injury Lawyers can help you get the compensation you need to recover. As experienced Irvine Uber and Lyft accident attorneys, we represent clients in the following types of cases:

  • Ride-sharing accidents in which the driver hits a stationary object;
  • Crashes involving Uber, Lyft and other motorists;
  • Injuries suffered by passengers due to sudden stops, sharp turns, or other jolts in the vehicle;
  • Situations in which Uber and Lyft passengers are assaulted by drivers;
  • Pedestrian accidents in which ride-sharing drivers are to blame.

Who Is Responsible for Ride-Sharing Accidents?

Just like in any type of car crash or collision, there are often underlying issues that may be partly to blame for Uber and Lyft accidents in Irvine. This includes heavy traffic, dangerous road conditions, and the actions of other motorists. However, it is often the reckless behavior of an Uber or Lyft driver which is ultimately to blame. the National Traffic Administration (NHTSA) advises that there are numerous types of dangerous driving behaviors that increase car accident risks. Uber drivers are just as likely to engage in these as any other motorist on the road. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, our Irvine Uber and Lyft accident attorneys are dedicated to protecting the rights of victims when ride sharing accidents occur due to the following:

  • Speeding and going too fast for conditions;
  • Running red lights and disregarding other traffic signs and signals;
  • Tailgating, improper passing, and other types of aggressive driving behaviors;
  • Driving while distracted, such as talking on cell phones, changing GPS settings, and reading texts;
  • Drowsy driving, which increases the risk of falling asleep behind the wheel;
  • Driving while under the influence of alcohol and drugs.

What Should I Do If Involved In An Uber/Lyft Accident?

If you are involved in a ride-sharing accident, your first step should be to immediately notify the police. Once they arrive, get the contact information and driver’s license, vehicle registration, and insurance numbers for the Uber or Lyft driver and any other motorists involved. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, our legal team also recommends the following steps to protect your rights in a claim:

  • Make a note of the exact time and location where the accident occurred;
  • Take pictures of the scene, the vehicles involved, and your injuries if possible;
  • Gather contact information for any witnesses who may have seen how the accident occurred;
  • Get medical attention for your injuries, even if your symptoms are minor;
  • Speak to our Irvine ridesharing accident attorneys before making statements to insurers or accepting any settlements.

How Can I Get Compensation For My Injuries?

When injuries result from a ride-sharing accident, you may be entitled to compensation from multiple parties involved. Those who can be held legally liable in a claim include:

  • The Uber or Lyft driver;
  • The company they work for;
  • The automobile manufacturer, in the event of a vehicle malfunction;
  • Other motorists who may have played a role in your crash.

Compensation may be available either through an insurance policy or by filing a personal injury lawsuit. Our Irvine Uber and Lyft accident attorneys can advise you on the best course of action in your case, so you can get the maximum amount you are entitled to for medical expenses, lost wages, and other losses you suffer. Our top case results show settlements and jury awards worth millions of dollars for clients in similar situations.

To Request a Free Consultation, Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS Today

At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, we can help determine who is ultimately responsible for your ride-sharing accident so that they can be held accountable. To request a free consultation,  call 1-800-GO-HARRIS or contact our Irvine Uber and Lyft accident attorneys online today.