
Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. values the relationships that are made via referrals and collective endeavors. We accept referrals from all over the United States and comply with the California State Bar rules. Attorneys throughout the U.S. are confident in recommending our services due to our history of success. Furthermore, Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. has successfully tried 50+ cases to jury verdict and obtained countless arbitration awards.

Our experienced pre-litigation and trial attorneys work diligently to get our injured clients the maximum compensation they deserve. Furthermore, we give every referring attorney the utmost respect and without hesitation pay out referral fees upon resolution. We gladly provide a compromised percentage of the attorney fees to the referring attorneys.

The amount of the referral fee percentage is determined by the circumstance of each case, typically it's in a range of 20% to 33.33% of the attorneys' fees. However, there are many variables that will determine the appropriate fee-sharing percentage; type of case, the cost of a case, or the current stage of litigation. Harris Personal Injury Lawyers will ensure that all parties, including the client, will be given a signed fee-sharing agreement at the time of retention. We will make the process simple and smooth.

Please contact Harris Personal Injury if you have a case to refer, would like to work together, or need additional assistance. To refer a case please email: intake@harrispersonalinjury.com

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