San Francisco Brain Injury Attorneys | Accident Lawyers

Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyers in San Francisco

A single blow to the head could be all it takes to derail your entire life. Brain trauma can affect your relationships, career, and future plans. If another person’s negligence was to blame, our brain injury attorneys in San Francisco may be able to help you obtain the compensation needed to pay for medical care, domestic help, lost income, pain and suffering, and other damages. Because these cases tend to involve substantial losses, insurance companies often invest considerable resources into disputing them. Our lawyers can level the playing field and take the necessary steps to give your case the best possible chance of resulting in a fair recovery. We work closely with neurologists, economists, and other experts who can provide deposition and testimony regarding the severity of your injury and how it will impact your personal and financial future. You won’t have to worry about paying us upfront because we offer free consultations and accept personal injury claims on a contingency fee basis. To get the legal advice you need, call 1-800-GO-HARRIS.

What Kinds of Witnesses Might Play a Role in My Case?

While some personal injury claims can be resolved in a matter of months by presenting the police report, medical documentation, financial documentation, and other evidence that’s relatively easy to gather, the same cannot be said for most brain injury cases. These injuries are highly complex; even if two patients suffer the same injury, their symptoms could be very different. Some patients make a full recovery in less than a year; others suffer permanent cognitive and physical disabilities. To overcome the disputes that commonly arise in these cases, it is often necessary to use the deposition and testimony of fact witnesses and expert witnesses. Fact witnesses, also called “eyewitnesses,” provide deposition about what they saw firsthand. Such witnesses may include people who were at the scene of your injury, loved ones who have been helping with your recovery, and your healthcare providers. Expert witnesses, on the other hand, provide testimony in a particular area of expertise. Such witnesses often play a critical role in brain injury cases. Below are a few examples of expert witnesses that your San Francisco brain injury lawyer might use to support your case:

  • Neurologists: These are doctors or osteopath experts who evaluate head injuries and treat disorders and diseases related to the brain, nervous system, muscles, and spine;
  • Neurophysiologists: These are experts in nervous system function;
  • Neuropsychologists: These doctors study how psychological processes and behavior are controlled by brain function;
  • Respiratory Therapists: These experts can provide deposition regarding how the brain injury is affecting breathing capabilities;
  • Occupational Therapists: These experts specialize in helping people who have been seriously injured return to normal daily function, find work, etc.;
  • Physical Therapists: These experts can provide testimony regarding how the brain injury has affected your physical function;
  • Cognitive Therapists: These experts can provide testimony regarding the cognitive skills that have been affected by the brain injury;
  • Life Care Planners: Your San Francisco brain injury attorney might hire a life care planner to determine the cost of the care you will need to reach maximum medical improvement;
  • Economic Experts: If your brain injury has resulted in loss of earning capacity, it may be necessary to bring in an economist to provide deposition regarding the value of lost future income, benefits, etc.; and
  • Accident Reconstruction Experts: If a dispute arises regarding who is liable for the accident, your lawyer may bring in an accident reconstruction expert to analyze the property damage, photos, and other evidence to determine what happened in the moments leading up to the incident.

How Could My Online Activity Affect My Case?

Although every brain injury is unique, most treatment programs involve resting for a considerable period of time. When you’re forced to remain inactive, you may find yourself using social media and online forums more often than usual. It is important to remember, however, that if the insurance adjuster finds your posts, they may be used to dispute your claim. Any pictures of you, text posts about your injury or the accident, or videos might be used to challenge liability or damages. Due to the proliferation of social media, it is very common for claims adjusters to monitor the online presence of personal injury claimants to look for evidence that can be used to deny their claim or reduce its value. As such, it is wise to stay off social media and to disable your accounts entirely until the conclusion of the proceedings.

Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS to Speak with a San Francisco Brain Injury Lawyer

At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, we know what it takes to achieve successful outcomes in brain injury cases. You can count on our skilled and highly experienced legal team to provide effective representation through every stage of the proceedings. Dial 1-800-GO-HARRIS or send us a message to set up a free case review.

Managing Attorney, Ryan Harris, has been awarded: The Best Lawyers in America by US NEWS