3 FAQs about Filing a Rideshare Accident Claim

Rideshare services aren’t just a convenient way to get around, but they are often more affordable than other forms of transport and can help you reduce your carbon footprint. However, just like any other vehicle on the road, rideshare drivers are frequently involved in wrecks.  

While drivers are required to carry coverage and are also covered under the rideshare company’s insurance, filing a personal injury claim after an accident can be a complex undertaking. Not only may both the driver, the rideshare service, and their respective insurers dispute aspects of your case, but determining liability in such claims is also a challenging task.  

To help you make sense of your situation in the aftermath of an accident, we’ve answered some of the most common questions claimants have about rideshare wrecks in California:  

How Much Is My Claim Worth? 

From medical bills to lost income to replacement services, your expenses can pile up quickly after a wreck. As such, you are probably eager to find out how much your personal injury claim is worth. After all, a fair settlement won’t just help you pay off your debts, but could also give you the funds to afford the best possible care.  

Unfortunately, it’s impossible for any attorney to guarantee you a specific amount. There are many different factors that could affect the potential recovery in your case, so a skilled personal injury lawyer will first need to investigate the accident, review the available evidence, and consult with expert witnesses if necessary before he or she can estimate fair compensation for your damages.  

How Long Will My Claim Take? 

As no two personal injury claims are the same, there is no set timeline for such cases. Your claim could be resolved in a matter of weeks, or—if you face disputes, or aspects of your case are particularly complex—it could take several months before proceedings conclude. Factors that could affect the duration of your claim could include: 

  • The strength of your evidence; 
  • Time until you reach maximum medical improvement (MMI);
  • Whether you’ve made any mistakes such as deviating from your treatment plan;
  • The scope of your attorney’s investigation into the accident;
  • Whether any parties are withholding important evidence; and
  • The amount you are seeking. 

Will My Case Go to Trial? 

Going to court is a time-consuming and resource-intensive undertaking, so it’s not a decision to take lightly. Fortunately, few—if any—personal injury cases go to trial. However, if opposing parties refuse to budge over certain disputes or will not offer fair compensation for your losses, it may be in your best interests to bring a lawsuit against the at-fault parties.  

Discuss Your Situation with a Rideshare Accident Attorney in California 

Were you injured in an accident involving an Uber or Lyft driver? Turn to the rideshare accident attorneys at Harris Personal Injury Lawyers to discuss your options. Through the years, we’ve secured more than $300 million in settlements and verdicts for our clients. Reach out to us today at 1-800-GO-HARRIS or head over to our contact form HERE to lock in a free case review.